1) Records
2) Food
3) Nerf guns
Every semester at Goucher, we play Humans vs. Zombies, a game of nerf war/tag that's spread to many other campuses and national fame and is this weekend's cover story in the Washington Post Magazine. Go watch the awesome audio/slideshow report by photojournalist Alexey Tolchinsky, then read a very accurate article by journalist Laura Wexler here. You'll need to register to read Laura's article, but it's worth it. Both she and Alexey were "embedded reporters" last fall when we played and were both professional, humorous people. I'm actually in a rather serious-looking opening slide, but had trouble screencapping it. So here's yours truly looking nerdy with the Zombie Horde and repping a Voivod shirt...

BONUS: This Friday was zombie field day, where a sort of "survival" gladiator game was played. Grab some Nerf guns and socks, hop in the ring, and see how long you can last. It's been once again reinforced that I'm a terrible shot, but oh well...I think these pictures still entertain. Adam fared better. Photos by Melissa Tillery.

Adam: "Mmmf."

Lunging forward while shooting: entirely uncalled for.

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